
发表: 2024年2月21日
作者: James Newcomb, RMI, Derek Pankratz, Deloitte, Jennie Dodson, WBCSD
类型: 洞察力

How can companies take advantage of the exponential changes unfolding in energy 技术 and systems as they seek to achieve net zero emissions in their own businesses and value chains? 出现的策略 describes how leading companies are seizing business opportunities during this period of transformation.

Recognizing that thriving businesses depend on a thriving society and planet, many of the world’s largest and most respected companies have made long-term commitments to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Delivering net zero will require transformative changes across virtually all economic sectors and industries, 伴随着材料的深远变化, 设计, 技术, 服务, 商业模式. Yet many companies with net zero commitments have still not matched their strategy to the scale of both the challenge and the opportunity. 

风险越来越大. 在一个消费者偏好, 技术, 产品, 而且服务速度快, 破坏性和指数变化, 错失新出现的机会可能会造成破坏性的商业后果. 在汽车行业, China’s electric vehicle manufacturers and other early movers like Tesla are proving hard to catch even by powerful incumbents, 包括美国的大型汽车公司, 德国, 和日本.

This means that leading companies today are not just sharpening their ability to sense and respond to changes linked to the climate and energy systems. 他们正在磨练自己发起系统性变革的能力. 

因为大多数公司无法自己推动系统变革, 这意味着要与其他利益相关者合作, including companies up and down the value chain as well as governments and civil society partners who can help to accelerate change. 出现的策略 运用系统思维工具来识别新的商业机会, 克服系统过渡的障碍, 明确公司作为领导者所能扮演的角色, 催化剂, 提倡, 或者与系统中其他关键参与者相关的合作者. 

This process differs from traditional strategy approaches that focus primarily on competition, 但两者是互补的. 出现的策略 leverages corporate climate action building blocks such as science-based targets and scope-based emissions disclosures, but with an outward focus on engaging with other actors to drive and shape systems change beyond the company’s direct control. 

The emergence strategy process entails three functions that are applied iteratively: 

1. 系统传感 来回答这个问题:机会是什么?

Applying a system-sensing lens can help businesses assess the strategic landscape and identify an available portfolio of opportunities. 自上而下的传感, 通过过渡途径分析, can help companies survey the big picture of how markets are likely to change to meet climate change mitigation goals, 而 自底向上的感觉 focuses on assessing avenues for reducing emissions from existing 产品 and 服务 and the viability of new 技术 or 服务 that could outcompete today’s offerings in a low-carbon future.

例如, 斯道拉恩索’s  from a paper manufacturer to a renewable materials company reflects both 自上而下的传感 ——及早认识到纸张市场的萎缩, alongside their identification of the renewables market not just as a growing market but also an impact opportunity space – as well 自下而上的感知, reflected in their decision to pursue product development within the renewable materials market that specifically built on their existing strengths in packaging, 构建解决方案, 和生物材料. 



2. 系统解决方案 来回答这个问题:什么行动可以加速变革?

Once companies have used system sensing to identify one or more climate-related strategic opportunities, 他们可以使用系统转换 框架 帮助确定这些机会的障碍和解决方案. 的常见模式 系统转换 and new technology adoption can help identify specific interventions that can trigger positive feedback loops and turn emerging opportunities into mature business realities.

比如丹麦能源公司 Ørst 以及风力涡轮机制造商 维斯塔斯锻造了一个 商业正规博彩十大网站排名伙伴关系, with Ørst committing to buy turbines produced with low-carbon steel and eventually blades for all joint offshore wind projects. 这种伙伴关系和承购协议, 建立了保证需求,能在早期市场改变游戏规则吗, 由于未来市场增长的不确定性,哪些经常停滞不前.



3. 系统角色 to describe how a particular organization is best suited to act and mobilize others to drive and shape systemic change. This answers the question: How is my organization best positioned to act?

To understand the path by which a company can best influence broader 系统转换, 领导者首先应该评估自己的能力 战略的灵活性 和水平 系统的影响战略的灵活性 reflects the internal and external factors that define the degree to which a company has permission to change, 比如监管环境和股东预期. 系统的影响 reflects the diverse ways the organization can affect the broader environment, 包括市场份额, 市场地位, 消费者关系, 和更多的.

例如, 达能 最近 宣布一项承诺 to work with its farmer suppliers to reduce methane emissions from its fresh milk supply chain by 30% by 2030. This move reflects 达能’s awareness of its own system role: as one of the world’s largest dairy companies, the company is a point of centralization in an otherwise highly decentralized supply chain. 因此,它具有高度的 系统的影响 并且可以利用这种影响来鼓励更大的灵活性, changed behaviors and practices from smaller upstream players to meet 达能’s goal of reducing methane emissions.


在一起, these steps allow a company to assess the strategic landscape using systems thinking tools and choose where and how to collaborate and compete.


While the basic steps required to develop an emergence strategy in any company are straightforward, applying them requires working with partners to explore possible pathways for transformational change and building the capability to apply them. WBCSD, Deloitte and RMI teamed up with members to explore this topic at the WBCSD Council Meeting in Dubai in 2023 and we look forward to continuing the exploration of this area in 2024. 


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